Friday, November 25, 2011


I absolutely love collage done well and am cautiously entering into this medium (or is it media, I never know for sure).  Most of my collages generally turn out looking like something my mother would have posted on the fridge growing up.  In other words, awful.  But, I press on.  Favorites include anything done with silhouettes, old letters and vintage print, and retro stuff like the 50's icons of funky shapes and even musical instruments.  So, with all that in mind, I'm working on some retro collages, some with simple shapes, and some more intricate with old envelopes, letters, and other vintage material.  I hate struggling with new materials, but that's how you learn.  Since I took to the cold wax and oil medium right away and generally encaustics also, it pains me to have to struggle with collage.  I tend to over think it.  Anyhoo, we'll see what transfires.  Here is an example of collage done well....... Can't tell you the artist (so sorry about that) but this is what I'm about!!!!  Looks simple, right?  It ain't....believe me!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. We went to the High Museum today and saw the collages of Romare Bearden. I love his stuff. See some of it at and
